Näin facebookissa, että IPAn tulokset olivat tulleet. Kelailin rauhassa ensin voittajat läpi ja sitten siirryin kunniamainintoihin. Sitten kasvot lehahti ihan punaiseksi..molemmat kisaan laittamani kuvat saivat kunniamaininnan! Sitten tästä työkopista kuului sellainen intokiljahdus, studiotoveri hämmentyi hetkeksi ja hetken päästä seinän takana olevat mainostoimiston tekijätkin huusi seinän läpi onnea :D
Kiitos jurylle. Mikä kunnia näin isossa kisassa. Tuntuu ihan mielettömältä!
Thank you so much!
”This year, The International Photography Awards received 17040 of submissions from over 162 countries, and is pleased to declare that Suvi Sievilä was awarded Honorable Mention in Fine Art – Portrait for the winning entry Portal and Honorable Mention in People – Children for the winning entry Three.”
About the International Photography Awards
The International Photography Awards conducts an annual competition for professional, non-professional, and student photographers on a global scale, creating one of the most ambitious and comprehensive competitions in the photography world today. Each year, the International Photography Awards (IPA) invites passionate photographers, to compete for the title of Photographer of the Year, Discovery of the Year and Deeper Perspective Photographer of the Year. A board of esteemed professionals in the field juries the competition: curators, photo editors, gallery owners, art directors, and other luminaries from the international photography community. The awards includes a Lucie Statue and cash prizes totaling over $20,000, exhibition and publication opportunities.